Magnolias at Enid A. Haupt Gardens
To hear them tell the story of how they met is so cute. Leah laughs as she recalls asking the guards at the Capitol Building if there are any good and single guys they know. Matt was one of those good guys and after they met each other… “I just asked him out!” We joked that it was the uniform but Matt won her over pretty quickly with his warmth and easy going personality.
Being new to DC, Leah is a huge fan of the beautiful blooms and an engagement session with these gorgeous saucer magnolias was the first thing she asked for! The Enid A. Haupt gardens filled up quickly on a Monday morning at peak bloom. Within minutes, Leah and her floral dress were drawing as much attention as the flowers! Every person within earshot wanted to stop her and say how stunning she looked.
Next, a chatty Uber driver took us to the Jefferson and she peppered them with kind hearted questions. Leah was more than happy to share the story of Matt proposing in the Bahamas and the excitable Uber driver had more questions. “We’re getting married in November!” “About 120 guests will be there.” “Yes, both of our families knew of the surprise proposal!” “The first thing I noticed were her eyes.” The quizzing continued until we got to the Jefferson and our driver wished them well. The sun warmed everything up and the Jefferson was glowing for us! It was a magical morning!